
Test Automation: How Programming Languages Rate

Was mulling over the C#/Java situation & couldn't find a compelling reason to use C# other than for WhiteBox Testing. It is slaved to M$ OS & ecosystem, meaning that any hardware used as a test fixture is going to have 40G of bloatware & 1000 background services running which doesn't seem efficient or advisable when consistent results are paramount.

Jumping on the web & seems to come to the same conclusion - though has a preference of Python, probably due to it being a little more lightweight. I just can't get with the syntax/format marriage. I'm not a fan of formatting being a part of syntax. I suppose it forces some standardization of coding styles, but who says that standard is the best approach.



Linux OpenJDK8 Installation (Since Oracle has Begun Its Final Chapter of Enslavement)



How to download and install prebuilt OpenJDK packages

JDK 9 & Later

Oracle's OpenJDK JDK binaries for Windows, macOS, and Linux are available on release-specific pages of as .tar.gz or .zip archives.

As an example, the archives for JDK 11 may be found on and may be extracted on the command line using

$ tar xvf openjdk-11*_bin.tar.gz


$ unzip openjdk-11*

depending on the archive type.


Selenium: WebDriver Wait


driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


  • creates a method that polls for a successful findElement() response every 5s - for 30s
  • wait.until(loop until no exception/false returned){
    • create an 'on-the-fly' method
      • create a FluentWait wait & set its properties
      • try findElement(By) while response is NoSuchElementFound or null
        • once true, return WebElement

requires import:

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