An IT Enthusiasts Scrapbook

While this site is public-facing, it is really here as a self-serving resource to trap things I've worked on past & present. Since standing up a local instance of the Atlassian stack (Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, Bamboo), most everything for the last 3 years is on my local Confluence instance. Point being that information here is assuredly 3+ years old, but is still relevant in many ways. There might be incidental 'plagiarism' where notes were captured & I am normally good about adding a 'source:' url where these might occur. This site is not monetized, so hopefully things fall under fair use. Think that about qualifies things and give perspective to what one might expect to find here. I hope something is of use to anyone out there wading through the non-stop flood of IT progress that produces more stuff to discover & use than a single lifetime could exhaust.

Mutliple Eclipse Installs: How To

1. Update the Eclipse plugin.xml to a different "appName"


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.4"?>
         name="Java IDE"
            name="Eclipse IDE">


2. Create a new .desktop file & reference the "appName" for StartupWMClass


Test Automation: How Programming Languages Rate

Was mulling over the C#/Java situation & couldn't find a compelling reason to use C# other than for WhiteBox Testing. It is slaved to M$ OS & ecosystem, meaning that any hardware used as a test fixture is going to have 40G of bloatware & 1000 background services running which doesn't seem efficient or advisable when consistent results are paramount.

Jumping on the web & seems to come to the same conclusion - though has a preference of Python, probably due to it being a little more lightweight. I just can't get with the syntax/format marriage. I'm not a fan of formatting being a part of syntax. I suppose it forces some standardization of coding styles, but who says that standard is the best approach.



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